Category: Investment

In what financial asset should I invest?

investing in assets

The history of a safe return does not end when you take the decision to invest in financial assets. It’s just the first step. That’s when it comes time to ask: What should I invest? The first thing that will…

How to make good use of the Utilities?

use of utilities

Usually when we received an extraordinary income or bond, as the utilities, the great concern of many is to find ways to make the most of it, not waste it. This concern is even greater when one lives in an…

Errors committed at the time of investing in shares

investing in shares

Investing in financial assets can lead to serious complications for someone almost completely unknown financial ground. The losses generated temporary drops some actions are of future distrust of young investors. If you have your money invested in some kind of…

What to do when the shares start to fall?

shares start to fall

Just as there are different types of investments, there are also different types of investors. Deal with the purchase of shares is not the same thing for someone facing the stock market in a speculative manner than one who is…

What do you mean by diversification?

diversification in investment

The term diversification in investment has been provided to many erroneous interpretations. Diversification is not only investing in a portfolio of different actions, implies a more complete view of the market and financial landscape. If your broker has not explained,…

When the investment becomes a bet

investment becomes bet

When we think of investing, consider getting a return at the end of our operation. When we think of bet, we expect a return like that in the investment, only that it has a low degree of security and less…