7 tips to increase productivity at work

Do you feel sometimes not be as effective at work as you would like?

Productivity is a key to success. Directors, managers, and team leaders try to get the best from their employees. If your performance is not at the level you might miss your career development opportunities. If you want to achieve the maximum in a day, you need to allocate your time optimally.

increase productivity at work

Here are seven tips to complete more work in less time and increase your productivity.

1. Plan your daily tasks
Every night before leaving the company, list the most important tasks to be performed the next day. Although you may need to handle unexpected tasks or emergencies, you will always know which tasks on priority work when you return to your office. Not only a clear schedule helps you get organized, but you also get the satisfaction of seeing the list of actions that you performed.

2. Avoid multitasking
If the management of multiple tasks seems sometimes inevitable, it often damages your productivity. Several studies have shown that try to accomplish more than one task at a time leads to more distractions and reduces the quality of the work. To increase your productivity at work, focus on one task at a time. Finish completely before moving to the next.

3. To set personal deadlines
Just as you would with your financial budget, try to allocate the minimum amount of time needed to complete a task. Set yourself short deadlines for completing each small action. Using a stopwatch can help you meet your personal deadlines for each action. You can also force you to finish your everyday work 15 minutes earlier by working more efficiently.

4. Take regular breaks
To stay productive, take breaks regularly 5 to 10 minutes; ideally after each action is complete, you can for example:

  • A walk down the hall
  • Go for drink tea
  • or even cross the street to get a coffee.

These short breaks will help you boost your blood circulation and return to work with a new dose of energy.

5. Keeping your desk clear and organized
An old adage says – “A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind”.

It is true that it is difficult to keep a clear mind when working in a messy environment. Moreover, the time wasted searching for a lost document is so much time that could be used to execute a more important task. Use an organizational system for your documents and try to keep your office desk clean. Your work productivity will improve automatically.

6. Avoid distractions
Distractions at work are often inevitable. However try to minimize them. For example, close your door when you are working on an important task. However, it is good to inform your colleagues in advance not to disturb you!

Explain to them that you are working on an important project and you would not be interrupted for the next 30 minutes (if it is the estimated time of completion of your task).

Reading emails is another major source of distractions. A good solution is to book reading emails two or three predefined slots in the day. For example:

  • once in the morning after the realization of your most important task;
  • once late in the morning before you go to restore;
  • and once in the evening before leaving.

7. Avoid too rich or little balanced meals

The too rich meals in fats and sugars tend to tired you and reduce your concentration. Prefer more light and balanced meals to keep you focused and energized for the afternoon.

Snacks and sugary drinks provide a short-term energy boost; but generally followed a sudden fatigue. Rather, it is recommended to eat a fruit or nuts for longer lasting energy and helps your productivity at work.